Custom Online Member Directory

A member directory is a valuable benefit that you can provide to your web users. Member directories allow users to dynamically search your membership database. They allow current members to view lists of their peers and individuals from the general public to find the member that best suits their needs.

iMIS is a great tool to build your member directory upon, but when it comes to actually putting your website and the iMIS database together, sometimes the relationship is less than harmonious. ATS has the tools and the intimate understanding of the iMIS solution to merge the two systems together in a way that is robust and user friendly.

ATS has developed several online member directories for our clients. Some of the default functionality provided to our customers has been:

  • Integration with iMIS to view member's contact information
  • Security features to determine which members can see other members' information
  • The ability to display pictures of the members or company logos dynamically
  • Results to display on a Google® map (by integrating the ATS GeoCoding Module for iMIS)


  • Committees Directories - Created with completely out of the box tools and methods, this committee listing combines dynamic content with jQuery driven accordion panels to present a large amount of information in a user-friendly way.

For more information about how we can build a similar custom solution for you, contact us at your convenience.

Relevant Webinars

Best Practices for Building Directories in RiSE

This webinar will review a variety of options that are avaiable to build dynamic and robust directories in RiSE. We will demonstrate a range of options, from out-of-the-box options such as the Query Menu and Panel Editor iParts to custom iParts such as the Custom Query Display iPart and ATS Geocoding Module.

Watch the recorded webinar Download the Webinar Slides

Turn Your Member Directory into One of Your Most Valuable Member Services

Date: Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Review ways that organizations are facilitating their members' marketing to the public and allowing them to be discovered for their expertise or their service location. Organizations have found this to be so valuable that it is a revenue producer. Consider the potential of creating a private networking area for your members.

Watch the Recorded Webinar Download the Webinar Slides