FullName:Stan Pickett
Title:General Manager, Partner
About:After starting his career as a CPA in 1987, he worked as a VP of Finance for a number of years. Since then he has over a decade of association experience and knowledge and has worked with over 100 associations.
FullName:Randy Richter
Title:Director of Technology Solutions, Partner
About:With over 20 years of experience, Randy is one of the foremost association technology experts in the United States. He has an unparalleled track record in the use of technology to improve association services and systems. He has served on the ASAE Technology Council and as Chair of the ASAE Technology Council.
FullName:Bill Wasserman
Title:Director of Program Development, Partner
About:Bill has over 17 years of association experience in all capacities of information technology. His areas of expertise include software engineering, systems analysis, process engineering, network administration, PC/Helpdesk support, project management and system acquisition/implementation. Prior to ATS, was the IS Manager for a large Denver, Colorado area realtor.